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4.8 ( 5088 ratings )
Entretenimento Ensino
Developer: Filip Tofil

The poster. A large sheet of paper placed in the public sphere; easily produced, quickly assembled. On the one hand – praised, on the other – contested; yet, continuously recurrent in the conversations about design in Poland. Naive, intuitive style of Polish posters from 50-70s overgrew its fame and became a myth, a fairy tale of famous Polish Poster School was distributed among Art Universities. Students in 90s and 2000 was still trying to match the requirements imposed by the myth-believers but after leaving University they were becoming masters in the art that nobody needs due to socio-political changes and early capitalism. Exhibition distributes subtle, ironic and subversive contents with auto-thematic posters employing a contemporary graphic designer’s toolkit. Polish Poster Schools tradition, reuse it or forget it?
Version 01 of the app is made for the inauguration of Post«Era project during Jerusalem Design Week.

Big thanks to:
Paweł Łyczkowski
Panowie Programiści